meditation Archives - YMCA Mon, 13 Sep 2021 14:12:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Here’s Why (and How) You Should Find Time to Meditate Mon, 04 Nov 2019 07:00:30 +0000 We live in a culture that praises busyness, and if you’re a full-time employee, parent, or both, it may be hard to justify making time for […]

The post Here’s Why (and How) You Should Find Time to Meditate appeared first on YMCA.

We live in a culture that praises busyness, and if you’re a full-time employee, parent, or both, it may be hard to justify making time for yourself. Meditation, in fact, might seem silly—how can you lock yourself in a dark, quiet room for hours and chant “ommmm” when there’s work, chores, and family to attend to?

Well, it turns out you can reflect, focus on your breathing, or just sit still for just a few minutes at a time and reap the health (and relationship) benefits of meditation. It can look different for everyone and still be effective! 

In this post, we’ve broken down what meditation actually is, why you should try it, and five practical tips for finding time to meditate on a busy schedule.

What is meditation, and why should I try it?

YMCA yoga classes, deep breathing exercises, and other practices can help you find time to meditate daily.

Kendra Cherry of Verywell Mind defines meditation as “a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention.” These methods may include deep breathing, chanting, saying a prayer, practicing gentle yoga, or simply sitting still in a quiet place. Meditation is a centuries-old practice that’s often used for spiritual purposes, but you can also try these techniques independently of religion.

There are two types of meditation: concentrative and mindfulness. With concentrative meditation, you focus all your attention on a specific object or idea and tune out everything else. You can also just concentrate on your breathing to achieve a concentrative state. Mindfulness meditation allows you to make yourself open, aware, and accepting of the present moment—and any thoughts or emotions that come your way. You can use mindfulness to target different issues, such as depression or anxiety.

No matter which type you practice, meditation has various health and relationship benefits, like:

  • Reduced heart rate and blood pressure
  • Better stress management skills
  • Improved memory and self-awareness
  • Reduced anxiety, depression, and sleep issues
  • More effective communication with loved ones
  • And more

I’m pretty busy. How can I find time to meditate?

Whether you work long hours each day or are preoccupied with running kids to and from school and practice, finding time to meditate probably isn’t first on your list of things to do. But squeezing in a few minutes of mindfulness or concentration may be easier than you think! Here are a few practical tips for making meditation part of your daily life.

1. Schedule your meditations.

YMCA yoga classes, deep breathing exercises, and other practices can help you find time to meditate daily.

We remember to go to meetings, doctor’s appointments, and soccer games when we write them down in a planner or online calendar. So why not do the same for meditation times? By intentionally carving out a few minutes each day to concentrate on your breathing or become more mindful, you’re more likely to actually meditate. What’s more, you’ll prioritize your own wellbeing when you physically pencil in time to care for yourself!

So when should you meditate? The professionals at Mindful recommend setting aside a few minutes when you first wake up in the morning and just after sunset. Mornings are great for meditating because you won’t have to deal with as many distractions; for example, you don’t have to pull yourself away from your job before the workday begins, and you don’t have to wake the kids up for school yet. Just after sunset is a better time to meditate than right before you go to bed, when you’ll just want to sleep. However, this can be a signal to your body to wind down so you can reflect on the day. Everyone is different, so the key is to find the best time of day for you to meditate!

2. Power down as much as you can.

YMCA yoga classes, deep breathing exercises, and other practices can help you find time to meditate daily.

Even though you now know when to meditate, how are you supposed to ignore the phone ringing, text or social media notifications buzzing, and inbox filling up? Turning off your phone and computer, or putting them in another room, is the best way to remove these distractions. But if your job requires you to be on call, or you’re expecting a text from your child saying he’s on his way home, this may not be possible.

When you’re meditating, do your best to tune out non-emergency distractions that come up. For example, you can change your notifications so that Facebook messages and client emails make a different sound from phone calls you absolutely have to take. This will help you learn the difference between emergencies and noise—and with a clearer mind, you might be able to deal with that email more effectively after meditating.

3. Look for less-busy moments.

YMCA yoga classes, deep breathing exercises, and other practices can help you find time to meditate daily.

Sherry Chapman of Medium says a major problem with “busy culture” is we’re all so focused on being efficient and productive that we forget to be still. For parents and workers, it’s especially challenging to schedule meditation times or power down. So, Chapman suggests looking for moments in your day that are less busy, even if it’s just a few minutes (or seconds) at a time. This could come right after chaos—like turning in a big project or getting the kids to go down for a nap—where you have some breathing room to recover. Use these times to go for a walk, pray in your office with your eyes closed, or try yoga in your living room.

Headspace co-founder Andy Puddicombe has another tip for busy beginners: Attach meditation to another (preferably mindless) task you already do, such as brushing your teeth or applying makeup. Then, you’ll be more likely to actually meditate and make it part of your daily routine. You could also do some deep breathing while using the restroom, or visualize yourself on a beach (or another “happy place”) while waiting at the doctor’s office—other tasks that don’t require much thought but allow us a few moments of quiet and stillness.

4. Make it a family practice.

YMCA yoga classes, deep breathing exercises, and other practices can help you find time to meditate daily.

Whether you’ve just had a baby or you’re driving five kids around each day, carving out quiet time for prayer or mindfulness is more challenging once you start a family. But according to MindBodyGreen’s Lama Surya Das, parents are in a unique position because they now have children, which pushes them to live outside of themselves. And meditation is all about becoming more aware of the world around you, and not just yourself.

Instead of trying to separate meditation or prayer from time with your children, why not make it a family practice? You can do this by having a few quiet moments with them when you tuck them in, praying together in the car on the way to school, and even trying a parent-child yoga class. Your local family wellness center might also have a chapel for reflection and meditation. You’ll not only be able to find more time for mindfulness by incorporating it into family life; you’ll also teach your kids the importance of taking care of themselves!

5. Try a yoga class.

YMCA yoga classes, deep breathing exercises, and other practices can help you find time to meditate daily.

Yoga is an excellent way to pair mindfulness and deep breathing with physical activity like stretching, core work, balancing, and more. The practice can benefit your mental and physical health in a variety of ways, such as: 

  • Decreasing stress and anxiety
  • Reducing inflammation, pain, and fatigue
  • Improving heart health
  • Combating depression
  • Promoting better sleep
  • Increasing strength and flexibility
  • Relieving migraines
  • Promoting mindful eating
  • And more

Check out your local gym to learn about yoga and mindfulness classes you can try.

With these five tips, you’ll master mindfulness and concentration and notice a positive difference in your mindset soon! If you’re just beginning to meditate, though, it’s important to avoid beating yourself up for missing a scheduled meditation time or getting distracted while trying to quiet your mind. Doing your best to become more open and aware of the things around you (even while slipping up from time to time) is better than quitting altogether! 

Not sure where to start? Try surrounding yourself with others who are learning to meditate by joining a prayer group, mindfulness session, or yoga class. Taking care of yourself is a lot easier when you’re in a supportive group!

YMCA yoga classes, deep breathing exercises, and other practices can help you find time to meditate daily.

With two locations in Lafayette, Indiana, the Lafayette Family YMCA is a community committed to healthy living and social responsibility. For more fitness tips and to stay up to date about YMCA events, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, or visit our website here.

The post Here’s Why (and How) You Should Find Time to Meditate appeared first on YMCA.

3 Ways to Practice Self-Care Mon, 11 Feb 2019 15:19:17 +0000 Making time for yourself may seem like a foreign concept, especially when you’re already overwhelmed. Your life is hectic, often filled with work, family, and other […]

The post 3 Ways to Practice Self-Care appeared first on YMCA.

Making time for yourself may seem like a foreign concept, especially when you’re already overwhelmed. Your life is hectic, often filled with work, family, and other social events that pull you in multiple directions all at once. Whether you’re raising a happy, healthy family; striving to get that promotion; or aiming for another goal, the idea of prioritizing yourself is almost unthinkable.

Everyone has careers, families, social events, and other pressing tasks, and carving out time to care for yourself may not seem necessary. But you shouldn’t feel like your needs don’t matter! If you’re taking care of yourself, you’ll be refreshed and ready to give back to your family, coworkers, and friends.

Self-care is centered around prioritizing yourself with activities, habits, and mindsets that help you feel happy, confident, and whole. It’s about taking the time to improve your overall health and de-stress in simple ways that can help you understand what’s important in your life.

These 3 major ways to practice self-care can improve your overall well-being through your mind, body, and soul!


Couple trying one of the many ways to practice self-care.

Put your mind at ease and focus on what matters most by implementing these simple practices into your everyday life.

1. Unplug

With so much of your time spent working, scrolling, and connecting with others online, there’s a greater pressure than ever before to always look like you’re living your best life. This constant pressure can make you feel anxious, jealous, and even lonely. But according to a recent study, by disconnecting from social media, you’re more likely to spend quality time with friends and family, work out more frequently, and cook healthier meals. Take a break and reconnect with what’s happening around you by turning off your phone and computer.

2. Learn

Our brains are constantly striving to learn and absorb new information. But this doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to learn about subjects that bore you! Instead, look for new information that sparks your interest. Whether that’s American history, new technological advances, or ways to practice self-care, there are plenty of books, podcasts, blogs, and magazines that can give you the content you’ve been looking for. Push your brain to its greatest potential!

3. Sleep

Getting the proper amount of sleep—seven to nine hours—lets your mind and body recharge, rejuvenate, and reset for the coming day. Skipping out on sleep can do more damage than just leaving you tired and foggy. Lack of rest can also impact you emotionally and physically. Avoid unneeded anxiety, depression, stress, and that annoying groggy feeling by making your room the ideal sleep space. Remove any sources of blue light—like TVs, tablets, computers, or cell phones—and add some blackout curtains to make your room dark and REM sleep-ready.

4. Write

Find respite from your day’s stresses by releasing what’s on your mind. Not sure how to start? Open your notebook to a blank page and start by documenting any thoughts that wander through your mind. Journaling allows your brain to process your thoughts while giving your emotions a positive outlet. Your writing can be more than just an emotional release, too! Make a list of achievements and goals you’ve accomplished or hope to achieve this year, and go back to your “dream” journal periodically to track your progress.

5. De-clutter

Getting organized and de-cluttering your home or office is one the most effective ways to help you determine what is (and isn’t) bringing joy into your life. You don’t have to completely renovate your home or remodel your office, either! Small changes can actually make a big difference. Start with one small area (like your work bag) and work your way to larger messes (maybe that closet you’ve been avoiding?). As you de-clutter and keep what is helping you move toward your goals, you’ll be better equipped to achieve a healthy lifestyle.


Couple trying one of the many ways to practice self-care.

Get your body moving and feeling great by adding a few of these self-care practices into your weekly schedule.

1. Exercise

A quick, heart-pumping workout is the simplest, most effective way to get your energy up and endorphins flowing! But doing the same exercise day after day can get old fast and make your workout a lot less fun. Try incorporating different types of exercises like walking, dancing, swimming, or going to a group fitness class. Find an enjoyable workout that keeps you motivated and looking forward to exercising. There is no reason to go through the motions of exercises you feel like you “have to do” when other workouts keep you focused and having fun!

2. Stretch

Tight joints and sore muscles aren’t just a result of hours spent at the gym. With most of today’s jobs centered around sitting behind a desk for 8 hours each day, your body is subjected to long periods of little to no movement, letting your muscles tighten and causing increased strain. Get your blood flowing and your body loose with a quick stretch in your chair, or attend a yoga class after work to get all the kinks out.

3. Hydrate

You’ve heard it before: hydration, hydration, hydration! Your body is about 60% water, and you need to consistently drink more to keep it running properly. The average American should drink around half a gallon of water each day. That’s eight cups each hour! To help you remember, keep the 8×8 rule in mind (eight 8-ounce glasses). If you’re not getting enough water, consider carrying around a water bottle to remind yourself to keep drinking throughout the day.

4. Dance

Regardless if you’re mad, stressed, depressed, or just looking for a fun way to get moving, dancing your heart out to your favorite song can transform any bad mood into to a happy one! A solo dance session or an energetic group dance can easily get your endorphins pumping! Turn your dance-off into a fun workout by pumping up the music or jumping into a group class—like Zumba.

5. Eat

Food is more than just a delicious way to get the calories you need; it’s the fuel your body uses to keep you moving and healthy. When you’re choosing how to fuel your body, keep in mind all the different nutrients your body needs to run efficiently. Meals from fast food places or quick microwave meals just aren’t designed to give you the right kinds of calories and nutrients for your body. Homecooked meals are a tasty and effective way to make sure you’re eating well-proportioned food with just the right amount of calories and nutrients.


Couple trying one of the many ways to practice self-care.

Recenter and refocus by fitting a few of these self-care methods into your daily life.

1. Meditate

The hustle and bustle of your day can distract you from what really matters to you. Tune out all of life’s noise by opening your mind and letting your thoughts flow through you as they come. Take a minute to be conscious of your breathing, thoughts, and blessings. A guided meditation or daily devotional can help you recenter on even your busiest days and remind you to appreciate what has been given to you.

2. Routine

Starting your morning with a positive and energized mindset can set your day up for success! Think of ways that pump up your mood and prepare you for the day to come. Whether that’s a quick workout at your local family gym, a tall cup of joe, or a few moments of peaceful prayer, implement little things into your routine that will begin your day on a positive note. How you wrap up your day can be just as important as how you begin it. Detox your mind with relaxing tasks like drinking a cup of chamomile tea, unwinding with a yoga class, or listening to peaceful meditations.

3. Relax

Carve out space in your busy, packed schedule for a little bit of “me” time each week. Your “me” time doesn’t have to be an entire #SelfCareSunday routine that takes hours. It could be as simple as reading your favorite book, getting your workout in, or soaking in the suds for a calming bath. Add little things throughout your week that give you that little bit of a pick-me-up and show yourself some self-care. These moments aren’t selfish; they’re meant to remind you to take time for yourself!

4. Decline

Saying “no” may seem difficult; however, when it comes to your self-care, a “no” can help you avoid unnecessary stress. If you always say “yes” when asked to do something by a loved one or coworker, it can easily lead to burnout, anxiety, and irritability. It’s a difficult lesson to learn, but it can leave you feeling empowered and give you more time for the activities you love. Adding “no” to your vocabulary doesn’t mean you’re letting other people down. Instead, you’re prioritizing what is truly important and making sure you have the time to dedicate your attention and efforts to those tasks.

5. Join

Break out of your box and become a member of a community. By doing this, you’re not only expanding your friendships and opportunities but also bettering yourself by assisting those around you. Find a group that holds the same values as you do. Whether you’re a competitive spirit, you love to run, or you’re looking for a community your whole family can enjoy, there is a place that’s perfect for you!

Self-care doesn’t have to be a burden! Try these ways to practice self-care to transform your mind, body, and soul. Adding even a bit of self-love to your life can remind you of what’s important—like your overall health. With a little practice, these tasks can become a natural part of your daily routine.

With two locations in Lafayette, Indiana, the Lafayette Family YMCA is a community committed to healthy living and social responsibility. For more fitness tips and to stay up-to-date about YMCA events, connect with us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and Instagram, or visit our website.

The post 3 Ways to Practice Self-Care appeared first on YMCA.
