group fitness classes Archives - YMCA Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:34:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Reasons to Use YMCA360 Virtual Fitness Tue, 01 Mar 2022 08:00:00 +0000 The post 5 Reasons to Use YMCA360 Virtual Fitness appeared first on YMCA.

The post 5 Reasons to Use YMCA360 Virtual Fitness appeared first on YMCA.

5 Benefits of Going to a Group Fitness Class (Even If It’s Online!) Fri, 01 May 2020 09:00:00 +0000 Whether you’ve just joined your local gym or been a member for years, you may not have tried a group fitness class yet. Maybe you’re used […]

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Whether you’ve just joined your local gym or been a member for years, you may not have tried a group fitness class yet. Maybe you’re used to lifting on your own, or you’ve stuck to a familiar workout like running around the track each day. Both of those workouts are great, but why not challenge yourself to something new?

When you exercise with others (whether in person or through a virtual class), you’ll work hard, form friendships, and keep coming back for more. Check out these five benefits of going to a group fitness class — even if it’s online.

1. You’ll have plenty of workouts to choose from.

brightly colored group fitness room with exercise balls, mats, and weights

Group fitness classes are a great way to shake up your routine if you’re bored with your current workouts. From aquaerobics to Zumba, your gym has lots of options that let you work on your cardio, strength training, and flexibility. You can attend the same class several times a week, or mix it up each day to find a new favorite!

Besides having plenty of classes to choose from, you’ll have access to helpful instructors. Group fitness classes are open to people of all fitness levels, so it’s okay if you don’t have much experience in the workouts you’ve chosen.

2. You’ll make friends who will motivate you.

two men smiling and talking while on bikes in a spin class

One of the best parts of group fitness classes is getting to know other gym members — whether that’s in person or through a social media chat. Everyone is there for the same reasons: to work out, to meet new people, and to have fun while sweating it out. This shared purpose naturally builds camaraderie, especially when you make the class part of your weekly (or daily) routine.

Attending a workout with others will also keep you accountable and motivate you. Your new friends want to see you in class, and knowing this will get you to join them (at the gym or online) more effectively than if you relied on yourself to make it there. Plus, having teammates cheer each other on is fun!

3. You’ll push yourself harder.

men and women squatting with kettlebells in a group fitness class

When exercising with others, friendly competition makes you want to keep up with those around you. A recent study proved this when researchers observed a group of people doing core work, specifically planks. They found that those who exercised with a more advanced partner held their planks for 53 seconds longer than people who planked on their own.

Need more proof? A Kansas State University study found that working out with someone we think is better than us may increase our exercise time and intensity by 200 percent. While group fitness classes are for all abilities, being around other committed exercisers will make you push yourself harder. And even if you’re taking an online fitness class, just knowing that others are working out at the same time (and counting on you to show up as part of the virtual community) can motivate you.

4. You’ll actually want to work out.

men and women smiling while doing push-ups with kettlebells

Once you get into the routine of going to class every day or week, you won’t want to stop! Part of the reason is that working out with others involves consistency and commitment. When you cancel or don’t show up to a class, your friends will notice. And like we mentioned before, your instructors and classmates want to work out with you!

What’s more, exercising with others releases even more endorphins than solo workouts. An Oxford University study featured athletes rowing on their own and rowing with a team, for 45 minutes each. Researchers found that the rowers released more endorphins (feel-good chemicals that reduce pain) when exercising together. It all goes to show that when you work out with a fun group of people, you can’t help but enjoy yourself.

5. You’ll get more out of your gym membership.

men and women smiling while lunging with a bar

Many people join gyms to find a community while working out, and that’s exactly what group fitness is for! These classes are open to all members, so you can try out as many as you’d like:

As of April 2020, we’re offering several great fitness classes online, including:

  • BodyCombat
  • BodyFlow
  • BodyPump
  • Cardio Party
  • GRIT
  • High Fitness
  • Kids’ Cardio
  • Yoga
  • And more!

Working out alone just doesn’t work for everyone. With group fitness classes (even online ones), you have the freedom to find a workout that fits your schedule, meets your needs, and makes exercise fun!

woman on a bike during a group fitness class

The Lafayette Family YMCA is a community dedicated to healthy living and social responsibility. For more fitness tips and to stay up to date about YMCA events, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, or visit our website here.

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7 Gym Etiquette Rules You Should Follow Fri, 03 Jan 2020 09:00:00 +0000 Whether you’re a frequent gym-goer or you just started working out at your local community center, there are a few do’s and don’ts you’re probably aware […]

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Whether you’re a frequent gym-goer or you just started working out at your local community center, there are a few do’s and don’ts you’re probably aware of. For example, you likely know you should wipe down equipment when you’re done with it and avoid hogging a machine when you see someone waiting patiently. 

Using common sense and courtesy when working out in a public gym will give you (and everyone else) the best experience. But if you feel confused about what to do and what not to do, these seven gym etiquette rules should help!

1. Dress for success.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Wearing the wrong clothing to the gym can actually hurt you, or at least negatively impact your workout. Here are a few things you should leave at home, according to Women’s Health

  • 100% cotton clothes. Even though it may stink less than synthetic fabrics, cotton absorbs all of your sweat—which may lead to bacterial growth. Instead, try sweat-wicking materials like spandex and polyester.
  • Worn-out sneakers. As tennis shoes get older and lose tread, they provide less shock absorption and can impact the alignment of your feet, knees, and hips. If the designs on the bottom of your shoes are wearing off, it’s time for a new pair.
  • Rings. Wearing jewelry while you lift can cause an injury if you lose your grip on the weights, or the iron bar might scratch the metal or stone of your ring. Leave your jewelry in the locker room or at home, or try wearing a silicon ring to the gym.
  • Ill-fitting clothes. Too-tight gear can cause chafing, leg cramps, or even breathing difficulty. On the other hand, baggy clothes can get in the way while you’re running or lifting. Find a middle ground: workout clothes that fit and flatter you. 

And once you’ve found the best exercise outfits, make sure you’re wearing fresh gear to each workout. You don’t want moist, sweat-filled clothes to grow bacteria in your gym bag!

2. Get to class on time.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Group fitness classes are a great way to meet people at the gym or connect with the community you already have there. It’s good manners to arrive on time (and better manners if you can be there early!). 

We suggest skipping classes like restorative yoga if you think you’ll be late; you’ll probably disrupt the quiet atmosphere of the group if you come in 10 minutes after it starts. But if you’re late to a cardio class, you can quickly sneak in the back and set up quietly before catching up with the others.

3. Respect the machines.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Before hopping on the treadmill or picking up those weights, check to make sure the equipment is free. If not, ask if you can “work in” with someone, which means trading off sets of cardio or free weights with the other person. But if the other gym-goer is almost finished, he or she may decline your request to work in. Just be patient and give them space until they’re ready to pass the machine or weights off to you.

When you’re using the gym equipment, it’s important to remember that—like you—other people are working out on a tight schedule. So, if you need to use the restroom or grab a drink, drape your towel over the machine and come back quickly (after a minute or two, not 10). And once you’ve finished with the machine, move on. Sitting on equipment you’re not using to text, scroll social media, or take the perfect selfie is disrespectful to the people waiting on you.

4. Give people personal space.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Gyms can get busy, but it’s polite to give other gym-goers as much space as you can. Try not to get on a bike or treadmill right next to someone if other machines are open. If you do have to squeeze in your cardio next to another person, keep your eyes on your own machine, TV screen, and workout stats. Your neighbor doesn’t want you watching over his or her shoulder!

Similar gym etiquette rules apply in the weight room: Keep a wide berth around the heavy lifters to keep them (and yourself) safe. You also want to stay out of their line of sight; while this may seem counterintuitive, it’s distracting to weightlifters when they notice someone close to their bench or bar. 

And regardless of where you are, don’t flirt with others who are trying to exercise. The gym is a great place to meet new people, but it should also be a safe space to work out, not a place where people worry about being harassed.

5. Avoid making calls, and use headphones.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Using your phone for anything other than music at the gym can be pretty disruptive to others. That’s why you shouldn’t make any calls—or keep them in the lobby, locker room, or community area. If you do have to take a call, try using headphones and excusing yourself from the crowded cardio or weights room. 

Speaking of headphones, you should use these whenever you listen to music or stream a TV show during a workout. But it’s also important to pay attention to others who are wearing them; they may be intently focused on their exercise or jamming to loud workout tunes. For this reason, don’t startle or quickly approach someone with headphones in, even if you know them. You don’t want someone to lose control of their equipment just because you wanted to say hi.

6. Clean up after yourself.

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

During your workout, it’s best to keep your water bottle, towel, mat, and other items close to you instead of spreading them all over the place. This helps other gym-goers know which equipment you’re using and which spaces are available for them to exercise in. And if you spill your water or protein shake, clean it up immediately so nobody slips and falls.

Once you’re finished your reps, put away any weights, mats, or exercise balls you borrowed. And while we mentioned this before, please wipe down any and all machines you used! Bacteria can live for several hours on sweaty gym equipment (and viruses can last several days), but when you use disinfectant spray and paper towels, you’re fighting these germs and helping your gym stay clean.

7. Make friends, and only give advice when asked!

Here are the seven gym etiquette rules to follow at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

It’s perfectly fine (and kind!) to introduce yourself to new members or people you keep running into or seeing at the gym. However, it’s important to only give these new friends workout advice if they ask you. Avoid telling them things like their form is wrong or they should be running faster; comments like these only make people feel judged and unwelcome.

This also applies if someone gives you unsolicited advice. You can just nod politely and move on while continuing to exercise like you were before. If you still have issues with your well-intentioned neighbor, you can always ask a staff member for help. And if you’re unsure about any of these rules, or you’re looking for exercise or form-related tips, your gym’s staff is here to assist you!

Now you’re ready to follow these gym etiquette rules—and you’re one step closer to reaching your fitness goals! But if you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. A fitness coach or other staff member can provide tips for a great workout while helping you feel more at home.

2020 CTA graphic - reach your fitness goals

With two locations in Lafayette, Indiana, the Lafayette Family YMCA is a community committed to healthy living and social responsibility. For more fitness tips and to stay up to date about YMCA events, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, or visit our website here.

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Five Safety Tips for Summer Workouts Tue, 02 Jul 2019 14:25:45 +0000 After a long winter packed with indoor workouts, it’s finally warm enough to enjoy outdoor exercise! The beautiful weather is fantastic motivation to get outside and […]

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After a long winter packed with indoor workouts, it’s finally warm enough to enjoy outdoor exercise! The beautiful weather is fantastic motivation to get outside and get moving, but before you break out the exercise gear, make sure you take the right precautions to stay safe and healthy.

Working out in the heat is a lot different from exercising in cool temperatures. With the sun beating down and the temperatures soaring, it’s key to keep in mind the dangers of heat and heat exhaustion. We’ve compiled a few safety tips for summer workouts so you can keep up your physical activity in a healthy way.

1. Hydration. Hydration. Hydration!

During the hot summer months, you should never wait until you’re thirsty to drink water! To keep your body fully hydrated, you need to prepare for your workout by drinking 20 ounces of water at least two hours before and another 8 ounces of water—at minimum—immediately following your workout. In addition, carry a water bottle during your workout and drink at least 10 ounces every fifteen minutes!

Staying hydrated means avoiding drinks like soft drinks and coffee before your workout, too. These caffeinated beverages are diuretics and will further dehydrate you. If you have an intense workout, be sure to hydrate and find water or another healthy drink to replenish your electrolytes!

2. Listen to your body’s heat warning system.

People heeding safety tips for summer workouts.

It’s normal to feel wiped after your workout; however, if you begin to feel ill or unwell, don’t automatically assume it’s because you’re having an off day. Your body’s natural reaction to heat is to sweat, but with temperatures approaching or reaching triple digits, your body can easily become overheated. The same workout you did in the cooler temperatures of the gym can take a lot more energy in the heat of the summer. Take your workouts slow and steady until your body has time to adjust to the heat.

When it’s humid out, your sweat doesn’t evaporate as quickly, causing your body to overheat and your clothes to feel sticky against your skin. Before you take advantage of the beautiful weather outside, be aware of the dangers of overheating with the three most common heat-related conditions below:

  • Heat cramps: Muscle cramps are your body’s first warning signs telling you to take it easy. If your muscle begins to spasm, take a break, massage the muscle, and rehydrate. It’s best to let your body rest and avoid further exercise for a few hours as you recover.
  • Heat exhaustion: This is your body’s next tactic to warn you to cool off. To recover, find a cool environment and immediately rehydrate and replenish your electrolytes. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:
    • Dizziness
    • Vomiting or fainting
    • Cold/clammy or hot/dry skin
    • Lower blood pressure
    • Weak, but rapid pulse
    • Chills or goosebumps
    • Heavy sweating
    • Fast breathing
  • Heat stroke: If your body becomes too hot and is unable to regulate its temperature, you may develop a life-threatening condition called heat stroke. Victims need to seek emergency medical attention. Symptoms of heatstroke include:
    • A body temperature over 104 degrees
    • Absence of sweat
    • Disorientation or confusion
    • Rapid breathing
    • Flushed skin
    • Hallucinations

3. Plan an early-morning or late-evening workout.

Especially in Indiana, it’s important to not only check the temperature, but also the humidity. Avoid the heat by exercising in the cooler hours of the day, like the early morning or late afternoon. With the sun rising early and falling late, you’ll have plenty of time to soak up some sunlight before the temperatures begin to skyrocket.

If you can only work out during the hottest portion of the day—10am to 4pm—change up your workout with a swim or an aquatics class. Keep cool as much as you can, and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Before you try working out in the heat of the day, adjust your workout’s duration and intensity to accommodate for the high temperatures and humidity.

4. Partner up!

People heeding safety tips for summer workouts.

Having a workout partner can not only make your workouts more enjoyable; they can also keep you safe and aware during the hot days of summer! Whether you’re going for a run, bike ride, swim, or a HIIT circuit, a partner can push you to your potential while also watching for any symptoms of heat-related conditions you may have.

It’s never safe to assume that you’re too fit to succumb to heat exhaustion or heat stroke. If you stay vigilant and have a partner watching out for you, you can minimize your risk.

5. Dress to stay cool.

Indiana summers show no mercy when it comes to heat and humidity. Dress for the weather by avoiding unnecessary layers, thick fabrics, and dark colors. Darker and thicker fabrics—like polyester—trap the heat and will only make your outdoor workouts miserably hot.

Keep it light and loose to increase airflow and reduce your body’s temperature. Fill your summer workout wardrobe with light-colored, moisture-wicking fabrics—like cotton! Wearing lighter, brighter colors will also help drivers see you more easily if you’re exercising outside or along the road.

It feels great to get outside and exercise in the warm weather after months of being trapped inside! Before you make the leap, however, it’s important to adjust your workouts and prepare for the heat and humidity of Indiana summers. Stay safe and get your sweat on with these five workout safety tips! And, if exercising outside in the summer isn’t your thing, check out a family gym near you.

With two locations in Lafayette, Indiana, the Lafayette Family YMCA is a community committed to healthy living and social responsibility. For more fitness tips and to stay up to date about YMCA events, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, or visit our website here.

The post Five Safety Tips for Summer Workouts appeared first on YMCA.

Five Ways to Actually Keep Your New Year’s Resolution Wed, 02 Jan 2019 18:00:57 +0000 The winter skies may be chilly and gray, but the future is bright! The new year brings new opportunities and new goals. If you’re making resolutions […]

The post Five Ways to Actually Keep Your New Year’s Resolution appeared first on YMCA.

The winter skies may be chilly and gray, but the future is bright! The new year brings new opportunities and new goals.

If you’re making resolutions about fitness, you’re not alone, but we know it can be daunting when you’re just starting out. Researchers have found that 55 percent of New Year’s resolutions are focused on health, but 80 percent of people fail at their resolution by the second week of February.

This may seem bleak, but you can beat the odds by combating factors that make meeting your goals more difficult. Here are a few tips to help you keep your New Year’s resolution for the entire year!

Avoid words like “should.”

You can keep your New Year’s resolution with the programs at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

Resolutions aren’t made to be broken. Using language that leaves no room for excuses when you think about your goals can help you stay motivated and on track.

Words like “should” suggest there’s an obligation that not only seems unappealing but also keeps you from committing fully. To combat this and stick to your resolution, think about how you can and will achieve your goals, and find a gym with programs (like childcare while you exercise) that make it easier to avoid excuses.

Start with a healthy diet.

You can keep your New Year’s resolution with the programs at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

When it comes to fitness resolutions, it’s important to remember another important piece of the puzzle: diet. When you’re working toward a weight loss or other wellness goal, you need to give your body the nutrition it needs to stay healthy.

So, how does that help you keep your New Year’s resolution? Eating foods like whole grains, lean meats, and vegetables will boost your energy levels for your workouts. If you’re new to healthy eating, check out a local learning kitchen to find nutritious recipes.

Find social support.

You can keep your New Year’s resolution with the programs at the Lafayette Family YMCA

Working toward a goal alone is definitely possible, but having social support can make it easier and more fun! Group fitness classes and working out with friends can help you get excited about heading to the gym.

Need more one-on-one motivation? January 1 may be New’s Year’s Day, but January 2 is Personal Trainer Awareness Day. Try working with a wellness coach or personal trainer to find what works for you!

Track your progress.

You can keep your New Year’s resolution with the programs at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

It’s hard to stay motivated if you can’t see that you’re making progress. By taking note of changes, not only can you enhance your workout, but you can also feel more excited about improving every time you hit the gym.

Keeping a training journal is a common way to track progress, especially if you’re lifting weights or running as a large part of your routine. With new technology, apps like Matrix make it easy to let cardio machines automatically log your workouts for you to review later!

Have fun!

You can keep your New Year’s resolution with the programs at the Lafayette Family YMCA.

The science is clear: Feeling immediate enjoyment when you work out is a better way to stick to your New Year’s resolution than far-off rewards. It’s best to stop telling yourself about the amazing cheat meal you’ll have in March when you reach your goals—and to start picking workouts that you love instead.

Group fitness, swimming, or sports leagues are great ways to stick to your fitness resolution while also having fun. The more you enjoy what you do now, the more likely you are to want to do it again tomorrow!

You can beat the odds this new year! If you’re focused on fitness for your 2019 resolution, follow these tips to help you stick to it all year.

With two locations in Lafayette, Indiana, the Lafayette Family YMCA is a community committed to healthy living and social responsibility. For more fitness tips and to stay up-to-date about YMCA events, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, or visit our website.

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Five Benefits of Strength Training for Women Wed, 09 May 2018 12:26:14 +0000 As women, it can be difficult to find effective ways to lose weight. It gets to a point where all the dieting, aerobic exercises, and circuits […]

The post Five Benefits of Strength Training for Women appeared first on YMCA.

As women, it can be difficult to find effective ways to lose weight. It gets to a point where all the dieting, aerobic exercises, and circuits just don’t seem to be doing the trick. There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling like you put in the work, yet don’t get the results you desire.

If this sounds like you, it may be time to consider implementing regular strength training into your workout routine. Resistance training is the tried-and-true workout that burns calories, builds muscle, and sheds fat all at once—and is particularly beneficial for ladies! Check out these five benefits of strength training for women.


1. Lose body fat quickly.

Strong women strength training with weights at the YMCA in Lafayette Indiana

Did you know that implementing regular strength training into your routine is one of the quickest ways to lose fat? Women, on average, store about 10% more body fat than men. Considering the fact that women were made to birth babies, this makes sense! However, it can be frustrating for women to find effective ways to lower their body fat index.

The answer? Strength training.

The simple truth is that muscle mass burns fat! The more time you take to develop that muscle, the quicker you’ll see the fat shedding off your body. And, the beautiful thing about muscle is that there’s no “spot treatment” necessary. If you want to lose fat in your arms, you don’t have to do one thousand bicep curls. Instead, you should build muscle all over your body, including legs, butt, core, arms, and upper body. The more muscle mass you have, the more fat it will burn—regardless of where that fat is stored.


2. Gain strength without the bulk.

Strong women strength training with weights at the YMCA in Lafayette Indiana

There is a common misconception that women who strength train will become bulky. However, this is a complete myth! In fact, women are actually more likely to lose inches as a result of strength training, not gain them.

Strength training not only sheds inches where you don’t want them; it also allows you to build in places where you do. Genetics aren’t the only factor in your body’s appearance—you can control your appearance through regular resistance training! It can help you slim down, tone up, and create curves in places that you’ve never had curves before!


3. Burn calories, all day long.

Strong women strength training with weights at the YMCA in Lafayette Indiana

Strength training also helps you burn more calories and speed up your metabolism, which means you lose more weight. Your metabolism is the rate at which your body processes food for energy. When you strength train, your metabolism goes through the roof! In fact, a study found that regular strength training can increase your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) by about 5%. This means your body burns more calories throughout the day – even while you’re not working out. The higher your RMR, the faster you burn fat, and the quicker you lose weight.

In addition to strength training and a nutritious diet, drinking green tea and ice water every day are also great for boosting your metabolism throughout the day—making way for optimal fat loss.


4. Decrease chances of osteoporosis.

Strong women strength training with weights at the YMCA in Lafayette Indiana

Regular strength training produces many physical results that are appealing, but it also plays a large role in improving overall health. A study found that resistance training, in particular, is the best way to increases bone density, reducing risks of osteoporosis.

Thin, postmenopausal women have the highest risk of developing osteoporosis, so it’s important to integrate strength training into workout programs. In addition, regular intake of calcium, vitamin D, and other micronutrients play a vital role in building up and protecting your bones.


5. Reduce risk of heart disease.

Resistance training also plays a role in fighting against various heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.

According to US News Health, strength training plays a huge role in improving heart health and decreasing risk of heart disease. Dr. Timothy Miller, a sports medicine physician at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, says, “Strength training often gets overlooked for its importance in improving cardiovascular health, but it can be a valuable addition in reducing the risk of heart disease.” This is due to the lowered blood pressure, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, better sleep, and lessened fat around the heart that are results of regular strength training.

The American Heart Association recommends resistance training at least twice a week to strengthen your heart and fight against various heart-related health issues. They even recommend moderate strength training after a heart attack to protect your heart from future risk. However, be sure to consult your doctor before doing so.


Strength training for women has so many benefits that are officially not just for the boys anymore! Women who practice regular resistance training can attest to the amazing benefits that accompany it—mind, body, and overall health!

If you’re feeling ready and excited to take on the challenge, here’s a 4-week weight training plan for women to get you started!

With two locations in Lafayette, Indiana, the Lafayette Family YMCA is a community committed to healthy living and social responsibility. For more fitness tips and to stay up to date about YMCA events, connect with us on FacebookTwitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, or visit our website.

The post Five Benefits of Strength Training for Women appeared first on YMCA.
